The DVD copying part will always stay free. You can try out the program for 30 days to see if you like it. You can complete an entire copy of a movie in less than 90 minutes, preserving all of the audio tracks and subtitles along the way. It converts all video clips and discs to the MKV format, one of the reasons it is so fast. This program is ideal for copying movies quickly, whether they are Blu-Ray or DVD. It’s set up to work with OS X Leopard or later. It helps preserve your video quality no matter what your format, and it can remove the extra files so you just keep the movie if you so choose. You can either select the output format, or you can choose your device and let it automatically help you choose. There are 140 different formats you can convert your movies to. This is a Blu-Ray and DVD copy program as well as a video file converter so you can make backup copies of your movies, or convert them to a different format to take with you. You can choose which tracks you want to keep for the final version, too, if there are some tracks you don’t want to keep. Preserving your audio tracks without any loss is one of the hallmarks of the program. You can import your files directly from the disc. It can also convert files into formats suitable for portable devices like the iPad and the Kindle Fire HD. Those copies can even include all of the chapter markers and subtitles. You can create backup versions of your movies from Blu-Ray or DVD. This tool works well with other programs like Blu-Ray Ripper or previous versions of ByteCopy. The program will also enable you to shrink your movie to take up less room on your portable device – very handy for when you want to take them on a trip. You can also convert your BluRay to a variety of computer formats, suitable for playing on mobile devices or your computer. You can either copy a movie with the full disc information, or copy just the movie. This program comes with the ability to rip Blu-Ray discs as well as DVDs. There are several great alternatives out there to convert your DVDs to a different video format that can play on a variety of devices. You may have heard some great things about DVDFab, but you might have an operating system that just can’t support it, or you are just plain looking for a choice. Top 10 DVDFab Alternatives to Convert DVDs to Different Video Format